Friday, January 13, 2006

What Is Happening In The Middle East?

Dr. Couch, what is your take on what is now happening in the Middle East, as it may relate to Bible prophecy? 
    There is no question that what is happening is another piece of the prophetic larger picture. We do not want to be a date setters but only a fool, or an amillennialist, would deny the significance of where this is all going. 

    In a Waco, TX newspaper, a crowd of pastors interviewed made it clear they did not believe in a coming apocalyptic period on earth. They allegorize the Word of God and lambaste those who take the Scriptures in their normal, literal interpretation. 

Dispensationalists and premillennialists are daily being proven right concerning Israel and her role in Bible prophecy. Again, it must be clear, that we are not saying what is happening are “fulfillments,” but they are indeed steps toward the great tribulation, the wrath of God upon a sinful and denying world. 

    Doubters need to read Jeremiah 30. The “birth pangs” section is quoted by both Christ in Matthew 24, and the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5. The tribulation, the birth pangs, is yet future, and it they only take place when God has regathered Israel back into the land in the last days. 

   Thanks for asking,

   Dr. Mal Couch