Monday, August 4, 2008

Many Protestant Denominations

Dr. Couch, do you think the Roman Catholic argument that the hundreds of divisions among Protestants prove that they are in error?

ANSWER:  Oh, heavens no! Truth does not stand or fall on how people respond to it, but on its very nature. Millions of Protestants are not being taught the Scriptures so confusion is the natural consequences for the lack of teaching. But remember, that human nature thrives on division, and people gravitate to error and their own agendas if they are not looking carefully at the Word of God. All one has to do is look at the problems among the churches that Peter and Paul addressed in their letters.

   Catholicism would be divided as well if it did not hold over its members the threat of the loss of salvation if they departed from the Catholic system. This includes the necessity of baptism, the mass, and confession. If the Catholic does not practice these, he is lost! By becoming a visible, earthly system, the glitter holds people and makes them think, "This must be the true church! Look at all the visible confirmation!"

   The apostle Paul warned the church at Rome, "Keep your eyes on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which learned, and turn away from them" (Rom. 16:17). That teaching was the truth given by Paul, and recorded in Scripture. If we depart from that, confusion will arise. The Catholic Church does not hold people by biblical truth but by human devices and external threats. Every Catholic I have known said they feared going to hell if they left the Church!  

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch