Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not Supposed to Interpret the Bible

Dr. Couch, I have a man in my Bible class who believes one is not supposed to take the time to interpret the Bible, all one has to do is "renew" the mind and it'll all come to you in understanding. How do you answer this?

ANSWER:  You really need my Classical Evangelical Hermeneutic book that spells out all the steps of interpretation, and that explains the important words that shed light on Bible study. The man you are referring to is wooden-headed and down right ignorant. I don't know what to do with these kinds of folks. Sometimes such as these are not worth trying to help because they have made up their minds! He is not attending your class in order to learn but to teach. He wants to hear himself expound what he thinks he knows. He wants to put you down and wow the class with his smarts! He is immature as a baby! He wants all the attention and thinks you are ignorant!

   Below is a list of passages that spell out what we are to do in our search to understand the Word of God. We don't simply sit on our ignorance. We have to sweat in order to pursue what the Lord is saying in His Word. We could have no comprehension if the Spirit was not aiding us in fathoming the depth of the Bible, but there is still the human element and the process that we must go through in order to, from the conscious level, grasp what the Scriptures are telling us.

   The Greek word "hermeneuo" is used in many of these verses. It is from this word that we get "hermeneutics."
   Luke 24:27
   John 1:38, 41; 9:7 
   Acts 9:36; 17:11
   1 Timothy 4:13
   2 Timothy 2:15; 3:10
   Hebrews 7:2
   Be careful of what I call those who have a "purest" mentality. They are really very foolish and do not know the Bible as they may claim. They have some kind of legalistic agenda. They bury their heads in the sand and ignore all that the Word of God is saying. I have very little patience with this kind of personality. Do not let him control your class. Make it clear to him by telephone that you do not want him to interrupt the study, and if he plans to do just that, you will ask him to not attend.

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch