Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fear of God

Dr. Couch, I have heard some say that Christians should not fear God. Is this true?

ANSWER:  In my opinion this attitude is absolutely wrong! There are times when the word "phobos" (NT Greek) and "yee-r-ah" (OT Hebrew) can often mean reverence or respect, yet about half of the verses are referring to a Godly "quake" kind of fear of the Lord. This does not mean that one can lose his salvation but it does mean that God will spank those whom He loves and who have a rebellious heart towards Him. And that discipline can be painful!

   The most well-known verse in the OT is Proverbs 1:7: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." The idea of quake" fear is used more than once. It is used in Exod. 20:20; Deut. 2:25; Job 28:28; Psa. 119:38; Prov. 1:7; 9:10. Prov. 19:23 says: "The fear of the Lord tends to life."

   When the Lord struck down Sapphira in Acts 5:11 the text says: "And great fear came upon the whole church, and upon all who heard of these things." This is not speaking about reverence but about fear for messing with God.

   We may debate as to which verse is speaking about fear or about respect/reverence but there is no doubt that the idea of "fear" is a legitimate emotion for believers who play spiritual or moral games with the Lord! I think there is something wrong with a Christian who says "I don't fear God!" What would you think of a son who said "I don't fear my father! I can do anything I want and he will not punish me!"

   I believe a Christian who does not fear God does not respect Him! And they are showing that deep down they have a contrary spirit—even a spirit that is challenging the Lord. Without fear a believer will go on doing just what he wants. He is one who is spoiled and believes he can do anything and will not have to answer for it!

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch