Saturday, November 7, 2009

Evangelical Feminists

Dr. Couch, what is driving Evangelical feminists? What are they thinking?

ANSWER:  I often ask Dr. Lacy Couch the same thing, and she comes up with some pretty good insights as to what is going on.

   (1) While they may deny it, they are influenced and driven by the culture, especially those who have attended secular universities. The lies have rubbed off on them! They think it is "smart" to be worldly and contemporary in their thinking.

   (2) They enjoy being in the company of men; they do not like being women.

   (3) They think being a woman is beneath them. They believe men have all the fun and that they are left out of what is most important.

   (4) They do not like motherhood. Raising children, and pouring themselves into a child is demeaning. They have not been taught properly what the Word of God teaches about the high calling of being a wife and mother. They do not think that they are appreciated.

   (5) They want to teach men, though they can already teach children and other women, this is not enough for them. They want to teach men. They think they are being deprived of something that they want to do. And, they think the apostle Paul, or other men, are keeping them from a higher calling.

   (6) They think that they are highly intellectual but the reality is that they are emotional and they are like sheep. They are really followers and don't think independently as they believe about themselves!

   (7) They do not believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. They challenge Paul's opinions and think that they are simply the thoughts of man and not of the Holy Spirit.

   Strong men need to challenge them and speak up to them head-on. They are far more foolish than they think!

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch