Thursday, May 5, 2011

God Hates Sinner but Loves the World

Dr. Couch, is there a contradiction between the fact that God hates sin and sinners but still loves the world (John 3:16)?

ANSWER: Absolutely not. God is a righteous God who hates sin and sinners but still loves men and provides a way of escape from their sins in the work of Christ on the cross. You referred to Psalm 5:5 where David said "You hate all who do iniquity." God's attributes of holiness and righteousness demand that He must hate the sinner for his evil work. The Jewish Rabbis write: "The evil man shall not sojourn with You; God does not tolerate their presence. God cannot be bribed with offerings to overlook the evil of their lives."

The Imprecatory Psalms are those where a judgment, a curse, and hatred comes upon the evil. God does not tolerate sin. Note Proverbs 6:16-19. God hates seven things: "Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed blood, a heart that devices wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness, one who spreads strife between brother." There is no contradiction between hating the sinner for his sin and then providing salvation be loving him. There are two different issues. The "hate" goes away when one turns to Christ, and when that one experiences God's love in the provision of His Son!

Thanks for asking.
—Dr. Mal Couch(5/11)