Saturday, January 26, 2008

How Long Before Everything Collapses?

Dr. Couch, I've heard you say we're moving into the apostasy. How long do we have before everything collapses?

Answer: I am not a date-setter and really do not know God's timetables, but it is clear, even to the world, that things are becoming extremely tenuous everywhere on this sinful globe.

There is no doubt the West is being judged, including the United States. The Gentile nations have had their chance to turn from their evil ways and accept Christ as the only Savior, but that opportunity is quickly passing and there is coming a "close down" of acceptance of the gospel. Here are some statistics that one cannot hide or deny:

Things are getting so bad in England that half of the men say they would rather live abroad than in that country. Because they repudiated their Anglo-Saxon roots and their Christianity, Britain is now on the brink of judgment from the Muslim invasion. A poll shows that the greatest concerns (coming too late) are: immigration, high Muslim birthrates, and conversions to Islam. Seventeen percent of London is Muslim (1.3 million) out of 7.5 million people. Luton has 14.6 percent with 14.3 percent in Birmingham.

Cal Thomas notes that multiculturalism, globalism, and an emphasis on "interfaith" are destroying England. Interfaith-ism means truth does not exist! These things "contribute to the decline of the West just as paganism, hedonism and greed undermined past empires. Rather than learn from their mistakes, the West thinks it can engage in such practices without consequences."

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has expressed concern about the loss of "Britishness" and the failure to learn English and embrace the national heritage. Islam will remake Britain in its own image.

Orthodox Jewish Rabbis also get the picture. Many Rabbis who see the way the world is going, and who still cling to the truths of the Old Testament give warnings to the West and to the failing Christianity of the West. After observing the wild charismatics in the U.S., writing in the Jerusalem Post Rabbi Shmuley Boteach says in an article entitled "God is not about us":

Ours ought never to be a religion of superstition catering to human frailty and weakness. Religion dare never take advantage of people's vulnerabilities and fears. Rather our purpose is to inspire people to righteous action. … The essential symbol of Judaism is Abraham being prepared to sacrifice his son to God, thereby establishing God at the epicenter of human endeavor to which all action must be directed. Man must be prepared to give up his life for God, not the reverse.

Selfism will not rescue the West nor will "religious" expressions without the Bible at the center. The Times of the Gentiles are over, or are about over!

Things in the U.S. are also getting worse with the Muslim invasion and the invasion of the "Illegal Foreigners" (not "Illegal Immigrants. They are law breakers and they are not immigrating!). It has been reported in one nearby large school system by one teacher that she has probably seventy-five percent illegals. They get free meals. And the children (for whom I have sympathy) born here get automatic citizenship which includes of course the right for their illegal parents to stay. These law-breaking parents will not come to the Parent/Teacher meetings so they are enticed with free suppers. You got it, they bring all the cousins, aunts and uncles to the FREE dinner that you and I pay for!

The kids often determine not to pass, say, a given course. Then they can go to summer school where they get FREE two meals a day and receive an automatic pass just for showing up! We are a sick society for allowing this unrighteousness and injustice to continue! It is the fault of the citizens who closed the eyes to the invasion of twelve million or more law-breakers!

Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch