Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Flattering Words and Great Speeches

Dr. Couch, I hear a lot of flattering words and great speeches full of pomposity! Certain Christian leaders make you feel that they are going to change our world by their awesome speeches. What do you think of them?

ANSWER:  We are into the apostasy of the church, and because this is so, spiritual departure will grow and grow, though "religion" will flourish. And only those who know the Word of God will be able to discern what is really happening. The others will be fooled and led astray.

   Psalm 12 speaks to what is taking place now. The psalm warns that the faithful will disappear from the scene but among the "sons of men" there will come those who "speak falsehood to one another" (v. 2). They will use flattering lips and have a "double heart," that is, they will believe one thing but speak something else. God will judge those who "speak great things" (v. 3), and who say, "With our tongue we will prevail" (v. 4a). "Our great speeches and our lips, they are the lord over us!" (v. 4b). This psalm also says the wicked "strut about" and their vileness "is exalted among the sons of men" (v. 8). People rush to them and hang on every word and thought they utter.  

   Today, people are not able to properly discern the lie from the truth. Our Evangelical brothers listen to the "big" preachers and their flattery words. Thousands are following New Age deception. But few will turn about because they have no solid understanding of the Word of God. It no longer is being taught with clarity and soundness from the pulpit.

   Thanks for bringing this up.
   Dr. Mal Couch