Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beliver's Awards

Dr. Couch, I know you've been doing a series on awards. What about 2 Timothy 4:8?

ANSWER: Yes, that's a great passage. Below is a translation of it that really brings forth what Paul is talking about in terms of awards.

Finally, there is right now (presently) laying up for me the crown (stephanos) of righteousness (how I lived rightly) which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will (in the future) give forth (award) to me, on that day, yet not only to me, but to all the ones who have been loving (Perfect Tense) the appearance (the coming manifestation) of Him.

God already has the crown prepared, laid up, that has to do with how we live the Christian life. He will in the future bestow it upon us! It will reflect how we have been, in an ongoing process, loving Him. And that loving produces in us a desire to live rightly for His sake. If we have not been going through our walk progressively loving Him and the fact of His return, we will not be desiring to do what He says! The appearance has to do with His coming for His own—the rapture of the church saints up to meet Him in the clouds, in the air, just prior to the wrath that falls upon a wicked and wayward world.

This is a powerful passage!

Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch