Monday, April 27, 2009

Spiritual Problems in the Church

Dr. Couch, how should the leaders handle spiritual problems in our churches today? Specifically, our church lacks spiritual feeding that appears to be stemming from the pastor's inability to know and dig the deeper things of the Word of God. What should we do? Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless your ministry.

ANSWER:  It is interesting to see that there in Australia you are having the same problems as American churches. We have moved into the apostasy of the church in which we are falling away from THE truth and THE faith! The fault is two-fold. (1) our seminaries are giving fluff and are no longer teaching the men who are to be pastors strong doctrine. And (2) the entertainment is what the people want. They want the fluff, and they'll go down the block to the next entertaining church in order to be moved emotionally.

   I saw this coming more than twenty years ago and realized that I had to try to stem the flow, but to no avail! The flood is now a torrent and we can't stop it. We are being judged and there is no way back!

  However the people, and the leadership, must be convicted about the issues. This is hard to do because they no longer are looking at Scripture, nor are they teaching strong, meaty doctrine.

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch