Monday, January 10, 2011

Salvation During the Tribulation

Dr. Couch, will people have an opportunity to be saved during the tribulation?

ANSWER:  Yes, indeed, during every dispensation there is an opportunity to be saved. See Revelation 14:6-7. This may be the last chance for the lost to accept the gospel. In verse 6 it sounds like there is "another" gospel besides the one we all know about. But actually, the Greek text simply reads "having gospel (that is) eternal (gospel) to preach to those who live on the earth ..." The gospel of Christ is characterized as a gospel that lasts forever. It is eternal! And people are saved only by it no matter what dispensation they live in.

   Notice the gospel will be preached to the entire earth, "to every nation and tribe and tongue and people." To believe is to "fear God, and give Him glory." "Judgment is coming, thus belief is to fear Him and worship Him. Notice how God is classified as the Creator, He "made the heaven and the earth, and sea and springs of water." While technically, the gospel is about the death and resurrection of Christ for sinners, the gospel encompasses a total presentation of the God who saves men. He made men as well, and, He is to be feared and worshiped.

   Actually John wrote that "the hour of judgment came" (Aorist Tense, not a Perfect Tense). At the point of Revelation 14, it had already arrived, it was time for human judgment to begin. Men could not escape judgment, it had come upon the human race.

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch  (1/11)