Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Is There a Big Move Away From Dispensationalism?

Dr. Couch, why is there a big move away from the Scofield Bible and dispensationalism? What do you think happened?

ANSWER: As many of you know I became very close to Dr. John F. Walvoord before he died. I spent months with him in conversations and ended up writing his classic and personal autobiography. He gave me a lot of insight into what happened.

Also, you and everyone reading this needs to get my Dictionary of Premillennial Theology (Kregel), which won a prestigious Silver Medallion Award from the Christian Booksellers Association. In it I give the lives and stories about C.I. Scofield and all of the other great premillennial, dispensational Bible teachers, that over one hundred years ago brought an awareness of prophecy and Israel to Evangelical Christians.

Now you asked “What happened?” I would say several things:

  1. A lack of strong Bible teaching that began around 1970.
  2. The coming of an American generation that loves prosperity and does not want to hear about a coming apostasy and a worldwide tribulation.
  3. A renewed anti-Semitism that makes people not want to hear about a coming earthly kingdom where Christ rules over the Jewish people, and the world, from the Holy Land.

Of the above points I would say a lack of Bible teaching in churches showing the dispensational distinctions of Scripture, is one of the most prominent reasons. We are now into "feel-good" messages from the pulpit, light-hearted little psycho ditties, materialism sermons, etc. Sermonettes for christianettes! Pastors now emote, devote, and promote rather than explain in depth the Word of God! Verse-by-verse Bible exposition from the pulpit is out! Many pastors are now gutless to teach Bible prophecy, being afraid of the sheep, and thinking that prophecy is divisive. My answer is: “So what?” My job is to teach the full council of God, never mind people’s responses.

So Scofield and the blessing he brought to Bible study is out the window. Ignorance is now growing like weeds! And, I believe there is no turning things back. We are moving into the apostasy!

Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch