Dr. Couch, I am an older Christian and I see, along with others over fifty, the collapse of this nation. Why does the younger citizen not see it?
ANSWER: Because they came up through the government school system that was saturated with secular psychology. This is the "Me" generation that is looking for self-fulfillment and self-actualization! They feel they have an entitlement to whatever they need and want. They do not have a clue about world history, the issues in the Middle East, and what the gospel and biblical prophecy is all about. They are interested in their own agendas and have no orientation of what is taking place around the world!
Notice what is happening in our presidential race. The younger crowd simply wants "change""but they cannot say from what to what! They repudiate white hair candidates, military experience, and age experience and wisdom. And on the Democratic side they do not understand the issues of the Middle East, Israel, and the dangers in the Arab world. Israel may be turned against and ignored if the wrong man gets in office.
While no one would argue that the "good old days" were perfect, there was still a stronger moral imperative in America back fifty years or more. This does not mean that everyone was a believer in Christ but it does mean that Judeo-Christian morality ruled and was to a degree more respected.
I believe a judgment has already begun on this nation. The fall of the Trade Towers was a sign. And the economic downturn is but another indicator that God is removing His blessings.
Quoting a leading historian, Flint Whitlock and Ron Smith in their book The Depths of Courage write:
In a recent edition of the Jerusalem Post, a writer talking about the Middle East and what is happening in Israel said: "American Christians just don't get it." American dispensational/premillennial Christians get it if they are awake. But many of them are shifting, going to sleep, and moving away from the prophetic Word of God.
In my opinion it is all over. Do not expect to see revival or a turn around spiritually ever again. The apostasy prophesied is upon us! You do not have to agree with me. You have the right to be wrong!
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch
ANSWER: Because they came up through the government school system that was saturated with secular psychology. This is the "Me" generation that is looking for self-fulfillment and self-actualization! They feel they have an entitlement to whatever they need and want. They do not have a clue about world history, the issues in the Middle East, and what the gospel and biblical prophecy is all about. They are interested in their own agendas and have no orientation of what is taking place around the world!
Notice what is happening in our presidential race. The younger crowd simply wants "change""but they cannot say from what to what! They repudiate white hair candidates, military experience, and age experience and wisdom. And on the Democratic side they do not understand the issues of the Middle East, Israel, and the dangers in the Arab world. Israel may be turned against and ignored if the wrong man gets in office.
While no one would argue that the "good old days" were perfect, there was still a stronger moral imperative in America back fifty years or more. This does not mean that everyone was a believer in Christ but it does mean that Judeo-Christian morality ruled and was to a degree more respected.
I believe a judgment has already begun on this nation. The fall of the Trade Towers was a sign. And the economic downturn is but another indicator that God is removing His blessings.
Quoting a leading historian, Flint Whitlock and Ron Smith in their book The Depths of Courage write:
The U.S. in 1938 created 30% of the world's manufactured output, compared to at that time Germany's 13% and Japan's 4%. Beyond that, Americans were a proud people who subscribed to a common culture based on work, family, respect for institutions, and faith ... It was these intangibles that the Axis powers neglected to take into account when declaring war on the United States. (Bold mine)
In a recent edition of the Jerusalem Post, a writer talking about the Middle East and what is happening in Israel said: "American Christians just don't get it." American dispensational/premillennial Christians get it if they are awake. But many of them are shifting, going to sleep, and moving away from the prophetic Word of God.
In my opinion it is all over. Do not expect to see revival or a turn around spiritually ever again. The apostasy prophesied is upon us! You do not have to agree with me. You have the right to be wrong!
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch