Friday, September 26, 2008

What Happens When Pastors Deny Biblical Prophecy

Dr. Couch, do you think at the coming of the antichrist he will solve some of the global crises that we are facing today? And, that he will bring together for a period Muslim and Jew?

ANSWER: You got it right! While we cannot be dogmatic about some of these details I believe this make sense. Never before in its history has the U.S. had so many "judgments" come against it in such quick order. From natural disasters, to economic, international, etc. God is trying to get our attention but the departure and rebellion is so strong, in my opinion, there is no turning back.

The West long ago threw in the towel. America is now getting on board as the last great "Christian" nation to deny the Lord and turn against His Word. My great concern is the apostasy taking place in our churches. You cannot read 2 Timothy 4:1-5 and not see our times! We must remember, as we read this passage, that Paul did not know God's timetable for the apostate event. But he told Timothy that in the presence of the Lord and before Christ, he must "preach the Word." Because, "the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they (people in the churches) will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from The Truth, and will turn aside to myths (lies)."

The congregation will want false teachers, lying preachers, and entertainers. When pastors deny biblical prophecy, move away from "healthy doctrine," and go to fun and games, they have joined ranks with Satan!

Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch