Monday, September 15, 2008

Do All Floods and Storms Come Directly From God?

Dr. Couch, do all the floods and storms come directly from God? Most people do not think so.

ANSWER: Read your Bible, especially Job 36-37. Most Christians are not doing that. Their view of God comes from the culture and not from Scripture. Remember, people in America used to be a bit more spiritually intelligent. They called storms (rightly so) "the acts of God!"

God is in charge of His world, and He can do whatsoever He wishes with it. He does not ask us, nor counsel with us. He does not look for our opinion: "He is in charge; who do we think we are?"

In Job 36:27 we read that God "draws up the drops of water, the drops distill rain from the mist. … The clouds drip upon man abundantly." Can anyone figure out God's spreading out of the clouds? Do we understand how He spreads forth His lightning? By the rain and the storms He both "judges peoples; and gives food in abundance" (v. 31). He causes the "lightning to strike its mark," even taking a life if He so pleases (v. 32)! God's thunder causes Job's "heart to tremble, and [his heart] leaps from its place" (37:1). What God does, Job goes on and says, "we cannot comprehend" (v. 5). In what He does with His own creation He causes men to fold their hands with helplessness (v. 7). He does all of this to cause human beings to see His power and authority over His creation: "That all men may know His works" (v. 7b), and by His works, even the animals have to crouch in their dens (v. 8).

The storm "does whatever He commands it on the face of the inhabited earth" (v. 12). He uses the storms to wake up people so they will know who is in charge! He sends the rains "whether for (1) [judgmental] correction, or (2) for lovingkindness, He causes it to happen" (v. 13).

The storms that have hit our coasts lately did not happen by accident! They have a purpose, and part of that, could be as a judgment for a very arrogant and prideful people. Unfortunately, because of very sinful hearts, people will not call upon Him when calamity comes.

Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch