Saturday, August 15, 2009

Predicting the End Times

Dr. Couch, have you heard of the gentleman in California who is predicting the coming of the End Times on October 31, 2010?

ANSWER;  No, I have not, but I'm not interested! I've lived long enough to hear all kinds of things. I personally believe that we can say we are rapidly moving into the season of the rapture of the church and the beginning of the seven year tribulation period, but we must be careful to set dates because the Scriptures do not! I believe we are into what the Bible speaks about—the apostasy of the church. But how long this period will last before the saints are caught away, no one knows. I believe this apostasy because of the "departure" ("the standing away") we see clearly taking place all around us, both in the world and in our churches. These days fit that description perfectly. But even with this, I prefer to be cautious. I could be wrong!

   However, several things make me sense that we are indeed into the apostasy. (1) The fact that the entire world is now so tied together. And: (2) What is happening in one place is happening everywhere! (3) Israel is back in the land! (4) And the idea of a one-world global government is part of the discussion among all the nations on the earth! (5) As well, the clear determination to drive the Jews into the sea. (6) The rampant explosion of immorality that is consuming all nations. This is exacerbated by worldwide communications, that whatever happens in one place, quickly spreads to another. Evil is being compounded and in no way is slowing down!

   I will not write anymore on this because I have treated it many times in past articles. By the way, everyone should read 2 Chronicles 36:11-21. Does this not sound like what is happening in America today? (Share these verses at your church or with your Sunday school class!)

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch