Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Covenant Theology and Removing Israel

Dr. Couch, why do the covenant guys try to get rid of the nation of Israel in God's plans?

ANSWER:  I'm not saying they are demon possessed but it is a satanic ploy to deny God's future workings with the Jewish people. And, the covenant guys clearly do not use plain, normal interpretation of the Scriptures when they study the Bible. To them, the church is "Israel." How can they do that?

   The Lord says "The remnant of Jacob (Israel) will be among the nations, among many peoples. ... the remnant of Jacob will be among many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on vegetation (Micah 5:7-8). And "You will give truth to Jacob and unchanging love to Abraham, which You did swear to our forefathers from the days of old" (7:20). The Lord is not finished with Israel. His promises do not change! He has already begun to bring the Jews from around the world back to the Holy Land! We are living in the period of a great miracle. God is winding down His work with the Gentiles and the church and beginning to restore His work with His earthly people.

   You need my book TO THE JEWS FIRST ... People reading it find it a fascinating book! Thanks for asking.

   -- Dr. Mal Couch (Mar., 10)