Saturday, July 3, 2010

2 Timothy 4:1

Dr. Couch, what is going on in 2 Timothy 4:1 and the issue about the "His appearance and His kingdom"? Is His "appearance" the rapture, and is the "kingdom" the messianic reign taught about so often in the OT? And what about the "and" ("kai") between "appearance" and "His kingdom"?

ANSWER:  You sent me a lot of information about the use of the "and" which I don't think is important in understanding the passage. The context is more important here.

   I do not think this passage is about the rapture of the church but about Christ's return in order to judge both those who are alive and those who have died. "Appearance" is a noun and is the word "epiphaneia." As the Lexicon says this is about "the advent of Christ" and not the rapture. He comes to earth to judge and rule!

   The "by" is not a stated preposition but is embedded in the nouns "by" His appearance, and "by" His kingdom. These are genitive/ablatives in Greek grammar.

   2 Timothy 4:1 fits perfectly with Matthew 25:31-46. There the King comes to sit on His throne and judge the sheep and the goats. The righteous Jews and Gentiles will inherit the kingdom "prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (v. 34).

   I believe the passage is really simple. Let's not complicate it. Thanks for asking.

   Dr. Mal Couch (7-10)