Sunday, November 28, 2010

Witness to Homosexuals

Dr. Couch, how do we witness to homosexuals and how should we balance truth with love?

ANSWER:  We witness to them just like we witness to anyone. Sin is sin! When we accept Christ, whoever we are, we are saying that we believe that Christ died for all of our sins, no matter what they are. But if we say, "I trust in Christ that He died for all of my sins, but not this or that sin, which I am going to hold on to," then we are not believing that He died for all of them! We cannot pick or choose which sins He went to the cross for.  

   Then I believe that person is not saved. Everyone I have ever met says that they believe He died for all of their sins, not just some and not others. I have never heard anyone say anything else!

  However, all of us can then fall into sins later that we confessed when we got saved. And that is another matter. When I confessed Christ as my Savior that confession included all my sins that I had committed or that I would ever commit. When becoming a Christian I could not hold back on certain sins. Christians can and do sin. But when becoming a believer I did not hold back certain sins of convenience or deny that Christ died for certain ones that I wanted to hold on to.

   I hope this answer helps. Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch (10/11)