Monday, July 18, 2011

Fruit Bearing

Dr. Couch, what is going on in John 15 and the issue of fruit bearing?

ANSWER: The context is about the believer being a branch in Christ who is, or who is not, bearing fruit. As a branch, if there is no fruit bearing the branch is removed from that position of being a branch. But notice, the branch is judged by "them," by "men" or by others and are burned, that is, they are judged by other people, even the lost, if no fruit is produced.

This is not about our position "in Christ" in regard to our salvation but it is about fruit bearing, not about redemption. In fellowship, all one has to do to bear fruit is "to abide in Him" (v. 5). (Present Active Indicative) "The branch who is continually sticking, staying with Christ."

This "abiding" means in Greek "to remain with" Him, stay with Him, "don't go away!" Notice that verse 6 says "they" meaning men, or people, gather them (the wayward) believer, and then men (these people) cast them into the fire (referring to a judgment) and they are burned or judged for lack of fruit bearing (v. 6). God is not casting the believer into the fire for judgment but "they" (others) are judging the believers for their lack of producing fruit.

Christians cannot bear fruit by themselves. Christ said "The branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides (sticks or stays with) the vine, so neither can you, unless you continually stick with, stay with" Him in a fruit bearing position (v. 4). This is not about positional salvation but about staying with Christ in order to bear fruit. Salvation is not the issue but good works is what the passage is all about!

Notice that the Father is glorified when we bear fruit. Salvation is not the issue. Bearing much fruit is what the Lord is looking for (v. 8).

I hope this helps.
—Dr. Mal Couch (7/11)