Dr. Couch, thank you for your comments on the virgin birth. Do you have anymore points that reinforce this great doctrine?
In the genealogy of Matthew 1:1-17, there is an interesting point to be
made from the Greek text about the idea of "being birthed." For example,
the genealogy reads something like "To Abraham was born Isaac; …" (v. 2). The was born is an Aorist Active Indicative of the verb genao, to birth.
This continues all the way down to verse 16 which says: "And to Jacob
was born Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom was born Jesus, who is
called Christ." By whom is a feminine pronoun referring to Mary. "The Jacob" is the earthly father of Mary’s husband Joseph. The by whom points to Mary with the was born as an Aorist Passive Indicative of genao.
To put it simply: verses 2-16 tell us that each man mentioned is the
physical father of the name that follows. "Abraham gave birth to Isaac."
But the Voice changes from Active to Passive when it mentions the birth
of Christ. He was born, birthed by Mary and not through Joseph.
This is a "loud" and pointed confirmation of Christ’s virgin birth
through Mary, with no physical father as the male agency.
In writing this, Matthew knew exactly what he was doing. And of
course he was superintended and guided by the Holy Spirit. This is the
message God wanted us to receive.
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch