Dr. Couch, With all that is prophesied about the church in the last days, is it possible to have a great revival in the church as a whole? There is great concern for our nation. So is it possible to have a third great awakening as previously happened in the past with Finney, Whitfield, and Edwards? What is needed to achieve this? And if it is impossible, then what should we be doing?
ANSWER: But also, if indeed we are into the last days, the apostasy, then there will be no turning back. How do we know we are in the end times? Israel is back in the Holy Land, and it is prophesied that she would return in unbelief, and that is just what is happening.
What should we do? We should keep on keeping on! We can only touch those nearest to us. I find the harder we teach the more people are responding, but of course, I am resonating with believers and they are identifying with my hard and straight-on, tough explanation of Scripture. I would urge pastors to (1) teach their hearts out. (2) stop babying the sheep! (3) quite thinking that you must go easy and placate people. Some will walk, but so what?
I had some young-ish soft Bible teachers tell me one time that I was too harsh in my presentation. But they failed to notice that this is what people really wanted. Often people want to hear righteous indignation! And many want Bible teachers to be prophets and speak the truth head-on! If we don't tell people the way things are, how will they change? (By the way, those young-ish Bible teachers ruined and destroyed everything they touched. They were not as smart as they thought they were!)
The apostle Paul, Peter, and the writer of Hebrews often use the Greek word "stereos" when describing that we should use "steroids" and make people strong in the difficult times coming. For example:
"The foundation of God must stand strong (be tough) not stand in a weak manner" (2 Tim. 2:19). "They were not able to eat strong T-bone steak" (Heb. 5:12). The churches are to be strong, tough in the faith (Acts 16:5). And "You be tough, steadfast in your faith in Christ" (Col. 2:5).
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch
(September 2009)