Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Would You Recommend George N. H. Peters’ "The Theocratic Kingdom"

Dr. Couch, would you recommend George N. H. Peters’ "The Theocratic Kingdom"? 
    ANSWER: This is the classic work that destroys amillennialism, so if amils do not want to be convinced please do not read his Theocratic Kingdom! 

    Peters (1825-1909) was an amil Lutheran pastor but he realized something was wrong with amil eschatology. He began to go to libraries (maybe a hundred before he finished) and read everything he could o­n prophecy. Being poor, he wrote down notes o­n paper sacks. He ended up with hundreds of "Propositions" in 2,100 pages, in three volumes. No o­ne can fight against his historical and doctrinal proof of premillennialism and literal interpretation of the prophetic Word. 

    Peters’ amil allegorizing pastor friends turned against him, being very ignorant of Bible prophecy and having sold out to allegorical interpretation. Peters was compelled to publish his work. In the introduction he wrote:
I am setting forth the Millenarian views of the ancient and modern believers and [hope to be] paving the way for a more strict and consistent interpretation of the kingdom, this itself would already be sufficient justification for its publication.
    Taking an advanced course on prophecy in graduate school I chose as my class project to summarize his hundreds and hundreds of Propositions. There is no question of the amil foolishness as exposed by Peters, who was surrounded by amils, and who was previously o­ne himself. Needless to say I got an A in the course! If you want to get the amillennial vs premillennial issue settled biblically you need Peters! It is presently published by Kregel. 

    Thanks for asking.

    Dr. Mal Couch