Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Main Mission of the Church?

Dr. Couch, what do you think is the main mission of the church? Many “preachers” say it is evangelism, which is important, yet they tend to neglect the teaching of the Word of God. What do you think? 
    ANSWER:  By doing a concordance run on “doctrine,” “teaching,” even “preaching,” one finds that the key purpose of the churches, i.e. the work of the pastors, is to exegete and explain doctrine and biblical truth. Doctrine is like the atomic table of the elements in chemistry. If you do not know that table you cannot work chemistry! 

    The main problem is that many pastors are simpletons and do not study the Word. They do not know what their role is in the ministry. They are but reactionary and just “react” to the latest fad—they buy into it and embrace it! They embrace psychology, feel good devotionals, seeker friendly approaches, Rick Warren’s Forty Day Whatever! They are driven by adding numbers, focusing on false worship, building big buildings, etc. They call the first hour of the church service the “Worship Hour” instead of calling it the “Teaching Hour (with worship).” They have shortened their messages and use the Bible less and less. They want the flock to have “experiences”! They love ceremony, plays, rock music, etc. 

    They shun education (really really biblical education) and focus on Christian Ed, psychology, church management, etc. They love to have “staff” and build “worship” teams! They may talk about the Bible but they do not “teach” THE BIBLE! 

    One pastor of a so-called Bible church in the Metroplex area advertised a night in which the church would give away tickets to the Super Bowl football game. They thought this was “cool.” I thought it was an advertising gimmick and down right stupid! 

    Something must be wrong with the spiritual glasses of many pastors today. They cannot see clearly and what is biblical is apparently out of focus. What is sad is that they do not know they need another pair of spectacles! 

   Thanks for asking.

   Dr.  Mal Couch,