Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What About Local Church Associations?

Dr. Couch, our church belongs to the Association Of Churches in our town. They are holding a Day of Prayer, with all the churches, that sounds very liberal. Do you know about this? 
    As a pastor I would never join the local Church Associations! They are downright stupid, and at the most, only accomplish some limited charitable fund raisers. While this may not be bad in itself, I would rather our church do its own charity work and not associate with churches that are liberal, self-serving, ecumenical, feministic, shallow, etc. 

    To show how sick all of this can be, for the event you are talking about, the churches are getting involved in A World Day Of Prayer. The theme is “Uniting Under God’s Tent,” whatever that means! The purpose this year is to call to action the churches to pray “for a fulfilled life for all people” of the world! This is purely socio-economic and has nothing to do with spiritual truth coming from the Word of God! From the Scriptures, what in the world does this mean? 

    It is a bunch of swell. This year’s theme was proposed by the women of Paraguay. The observance will feature a “rustic cross, a symbolic tent, and a large nanduti, which is a handcraft and a woven floral pattern with “single thread, as a symbol of unity within diversity.” 

    This is a false attempt to unit people, blur national and biblical distinctions, and have unity just for the sake of unity! Christ and the Bible have nothing to do with anything! This is pure warmed over liberalism that has come back to life from the 1920s. Churches and pastors who know better should avoid such ecumenical dribble! 

    Thanks for asking.

    Dr.  Mal Couch