Dr. Couch, someone has said that we should not use the expression “the
Palestinian Covenant” today, that it implies something the Bible is not
saying about the Land of Israel. What do you say?
ANSWER: My good friend Dr. Tom McCall has reminded us all that we should be
using the expression “The Land Covenant” or “The Holy Land Covenant” and
not the Palestinian Covenant. Today, people wrongly identify the word
“Palestinian” with the Arabic and nomadic peoples who never owned the
land. They were simply squatters on the Land. And, for hundreds of years
the Land was controlled by the Turks until the British defeated them in
1917 and took over the Land as a protectorate. The title deed to the
Holy Land is eternal and it belongs to the Jewish people not the Arabs.
Inadvertently, we all in the past innocently used the expression
“Palestinian Covenant,” but this is wrong. The word Palestinian comes
from the word the Romans used to describe the Holy Land, Palistia, after
the ancient people who inhabited that area—the Palistines.
Premillennialists should call this Land what it is called in
Scripture—“The Holy Land,” “The Beautiful Land,” “God’s Land,” and “The
Land of Israel.” By these expressions it is clear from the Word of God
that the Land belongs to the Jews by title deed in perpetuity and not to
the Arabs. The Arabs and Muslims held the Land until the rightful
owners, the Jews, came home, as it was prophesied in Scripture.
The Holy Land Covenant says that the Land was given to Abraham and
his children forever! That promise and that Covenant has not been
changed or annulled. With the Jews back in the Land, after being
scattered worldwide for almost two thousand years, I do not understand
how the Reformed guys, the amillennial allegorists get away with denying
this prophesied truth. Such ignorance and blindness amazes me! Notice
the silence from the Reformed crowd. They have nothing to say about
present events in the Middle East, about the return of the Jews to the
Holy Land. They truly have a form of Anti-Semitism in their thinking.
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch