Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Prayer and Presdestination and God's Sovereignty

Dr. Couch, thank you for your great ministry and help. Could you please discuss the meaning and purpose of prayer when dealing with the predestination and sovereignty of God. 
    It is hard for us human beings to reconcile that we are responsible creatures and that God is sovereign! Notice I did not say “free.” I do not see free will in Scripture. However we are 100% responsible, and God is 100% sovereign. That is irreconcilable! 

    I would answer in this way:
  1. We are commanded to pray. “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17).
  2. God ordains the ends but also the means to those ends. "It is God who works in you to the willing and the doing of His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).
  3. Christ said that part of our prayer should be to the Father: "Thy will be done..." (Matt. 6:10).
    While we are not puppets the Lord is still in charge of His own history! I highly recommend Arthur Pink’s book The Sovereignty of God. He has an outstanding chapter on the subject of prayer and God’s sovereignty! May I suggest you read James 4:13-16. Boy, does that tell us “Who is in charge!” 

    Thanks for asking.

    Dr. Mal Couch