Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What Is Happening in Churches?

Dr. Couch, what's happening in churches? It seems to be getting worse all the time.

  ANSWER:  Yes, indeed, it is! I just heard yesterday of a pastor who had a deacon come in and read him the riot act. He said, "You are not the leader here. You're an employee of the congregation!" 

   Where did he get that idea? The elders are the leaders of the church. Where do you find in the NT congregational leadership? It's not in Scripture. The elders are the pastors, and they are the overseers, and the teachers. They have these four designations. The only time the congregation has a say is in the selection of their missionaries, and in the putting forth of men (not women) for deacons. In both cases, the elders have the final say. In the selection of the deacons, the elders lay their hands on those set forth by the church in order to approve their selection. If they don't, these men do not become deacons.

   Democracy is not in the church. God wants strong, mature, and spiritual leadership. You need my book "Biblical Theology of the Church."   Those of you who are wrongly congregational in your thinking, read it and weep! Just think, you've been biblically wrong all these years! You've been violating what the Word of God says about leadership. And this is why there has been so many problems in churches. People are not reading their Bible!

   Thanks for asking.
   Dr. Mal Couch