Dr. Couch, I heard the other day of a fellow who believes God speaks with him, and told him to travel the earth and go about praying over everything. He leaves his wife and children and just travels! What do you think?
ANSWER: Don't be fooled by pious activities. In a certain reverse way, this is what the monks of the Middle Ages did. They hid themselves away and simply prayed night and day. First of all, God does not speak to this man. It is either indigestion or the influence of demons. God has given us all the revelation He has for us, for all of us! We need no more messages than what we have in Scripture. Notice how our flesh responds when we hear of such piety! "Oh, he must be so holy and Godly"! In my opinion, "What a waste of time!" He could instead be giving a clear message of salvation in plain language to a dying world that needs clarity about spiritual things.
In Paul's criticism of those who gibbered in tongues, he said, "If a harp, flute, or bugle does not produce a clear sound … it is like speaking into the air!" (1 Cor. 14:7-9). "So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air" (v. 9). If you think God is directly speaking to you and giving you messages, it's probably because of the bowl of chili you had last night! In a sense, what Paul says fits somewhat as to what this fellow is doing. He's going nowhere! (I wonder if charismatics have read these verses?)
Don't be fooled by foolish foolishness!
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch
Friday, July 31, 2009
Man Leave Family to Pray and Blames God
human responsibility,