Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Good Dispensational Books in Spanish

Dr. Couch, do you know of any good dispensational and conservative books in Spanish? I teach in a Spanish church and we need good material. 
   ANSWER:  I have an excellent four-color dispensational booklet called God’s Plan of the Ages. You may have all you want, just send me your address and we’ll get them out to you. Also, I highly recommend from Kregel my award winning volume Spanish version of The Dictionary of Premillennial Theology. Kregel’s order phone number is (616) 451-4775. Kregel should also have a Spanish catalog that you can order with other books listed. 

    One of the problems in reaching another culture is that there is a need for better theological works in order to strengthen the pastors. 

   Thanks for asking,

   Dr. Mal Couch