Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Did Paul Know When The Canon Was Going To Be Closed?

Dr. Couch, how do you understand 1 Corinthians 13:10 which speaks of “when the perfect has come, the partial will be done away.” Some Bible teachers are saying this refers to the close of the canon of the NT, not the second coming of Christ. Did Paul know when the canon was going to be closed? What do you think? 
    Of course Paul did not know when the canon of Scripture would be closed, i.e., when the final book of the NT would be written. It happened to be, of course, the book of Revelation that was written by the last apostle, John, around AD 90-95. To understand what is going on in 13:10, one must look at the context of verses 8-11. Paul is discussing the issue of communicating the truth. His point is that spiritual truth is not simply communicated by one of the “communication” gifts (prophecy, tongues [languages], or knowledge), but by love. 

    These three gifts were used by the early church to convey spiritual truth that had not be recorded or written down yet. That was what these three gifts were all about. Some believer had the special gift of teaching (prophecy), or the gift of sharing truth in a mixed linguistic setting, or had an additional dose of spiritual knowledge that others did not have. When the canon was completed these gifts gradually faded away. 

    We know this especially about the gift of “languages” (tongues). In my book The Coming of the Holy Spirit, I quote Eusebius, Irenaeus, Chrysostom, and Augustine, who tells us tongues was a language and that it was with the early church but had ceased. This would fit what Paul said. 

    The apostle said (in Greek), “Prophecy will in the future be made inoperative, will be set aside.” “Tongues will in the future stop themselves.” He says of knowledge, “It will in the future stop itself.” The early church concurs this happened! These statements of Paul work perfectly with what we know in church history. 

    By the way, when Paul writes “when the perfect comes,” the word perfect is teleion and means that which is complete or whole. In is in the neuter gender and could not refer to Christ. He is masculine! I have the greater proof that Paul is referring to the cessation of the special gifts for communicating spiritual truth than others have that it is referring to the second coming. And besides, the rapture comes before the second coming. The church will be gone in the rapture. Paul has something else in mind in this passage besides the rapture! 

    You need my book "The Coming of the Holy Spirit". 

   Thanks for asking,

   Dr. Mal Couch