Saturday, January 7, 2006

Is Isaiah 24 the Terrible Prophesied Tribulation?

Dr. Couch, what is the meaning of Isaiah 24? It sounds like the terrible prophesied Tribulation, though most amillennial speakers or writers never touch the passage. 
    ANSWER: You are absolutely correct. This is a Tribulation passage that sounds that is a preview of the book of Revelation. I will not repeat all the verses here but simply urge all who are reading this answer to open their Bibles to Isaiah 24 and get an eye full of what is coming (I believe) soon upon the earth. 

   Verse 5 is virtually quoted in Revelation 11:18. Isaiah 24:5 reads: “The earth will also be polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgress laws violate statutes, and break the everlasting covenant.” 

   Revelation 11:18 reads: “God’s wrath will fall on the small and great, to destroy those who destroy the earth.” 

   However, as bad as it is, Isaiah 24:23b ends on a positive note: “For the Lord of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and His glory will be before His elders.” Since God the Father is Spirit seen by no one, this has to be God the Incarnate Son who visibly will reign and rule in Jerusalem. The amills foolishly try to spiritualize this and call it a reference to the church! This will not fly! 

    Though he was a personal friend of mine before his death, Dr. Edward J. Young, the great Westminster Seminary OT professor in his Isaiah commentary used poor hermeneutics to try to explain Isaiah 24:23. He wrote: 

       “The seat of the reign is Zion and Jerusalem. As an OT prophet Isaiah uses the figures
       that were known to him to depict the spiritual salvation of the NT. In this reign the
       Church will be glorified.” 

    The problem with his statement is that Young eliminates all normal, literal meaning from the text. And though spiritual salvation may be part of the passage, it is about the restoration of the Jewish people back to the land, with the terrible Gentile persecution removed from them. I had a debate with Young and found him “wanting” in poorly trying to describe his amillennial views! 

   In some of my future tapes I will be exegeting many of the “lost and forgotten” messianic kingdom passages. The world is growing darker and I think we are closer to these terrible events than we think. 

   Thanks for asking,

   Dr. Mal Couch