Saturday, January 28, 2006

Is Revelation 13:3 a Reference to the Antichrist or to the Restoration of the Roman Empire?

Dr. Couch, is Revelation 13:3 a reference to the Antichrist or to the restoration of the Roman Empire? 
    ANSWER:  The Antichrist is the “beast” in this passage, but he will be the instrument in restoring the Roman Empire. Note in verse 3 he “appears” to have been slain and to have come back from the dead. This is a counterfeit of the actual death and resurrection of Christ. We are now seeing the progressive construction of the Roman Empire taking place in Europe. There is the European parliament, common money, open borders, a common European taxation, and open trade between countries. 

    We premillennialists and dispensationalists are continually being proven correct in our normal, literal interpretation of Scripture. I don’t know what the poor allegorist/covenant/amillennial guys are going to do! They have no biblical and prophetic answers as to what we see in history that matches up with Scripture. I sometimes watch Dr. Kenney on television. He never can speak of international issues. His audience is going to sleep, and they rarely have a Bible in their laps. Covenant theology is a dead end and can not speak to the issues of the rapture, the tribulation, and the coming earthly reign of Christ in Jerusalem! Poor fellows! 

    To show how demented the covenant guys are in reference to prophecy, we look to Ellicott’s commentary on Revelation. He says, “The beast of Rev. 13 is always the figure of the kingdoms of this world today.” And, “the wild beast (the Antichrist) broke forth when Christianity seemed to have put fetters on the Roman empire.” What??? What sick interpretation. 

  Thanks for asking,

  Dr. Mal Couch