Sunday, January 22, 2006

What about Calvinism?

Dr. Couch, what about Calvinism? We have a new pastor who says he believes what Calvinism says. We voted him in without knowing what he held on this issue. I am confused and my heart is heavy. Can you help? 
    Your heart should be glad that the young pastor is teaching the great truths about the sovereignty of God. Let me tell you my story: 

    Before I went to college I heard a seminary student teach on God’s sovereignty and His divine election and predestination. I thought he was crazy, so in college, I used all my free time in the library trying to refute him. Lo and behold I ended up the strongest Calvinist you can imagine, minus their teaching on Limited Atonement, which cannot be supported by Scripture. “Basic” Calvinism is what has been taught at all our most formidable Evangelical colleges and seminaries. Many (but not all) in the Covenant and Reformed camp teach Limited Atonement, but as I say, I can debate anyone on this issue to show that it is not biblical. 

    To me “Basic” Calvinism would be: (1) the absolute and total sovereignty of God, (2) the providence of God (He holds all things together and sustains all), (3) the Total Depravity of Man (man is dead in his sins, as a dead body!), (4) the absolute and complete election and predestination of some to salvation, but obviously not all, (5) the security of the believer (all who are saved will be kept saved!). I can prove all of these doctrines by Scripture. I taught the same at the schools founded by D. L. Moody, and by C. I. Scofield who founded Philadelphia College of Bible (now Philadelphia Christian University). 

   As for the freewill of man, you cannot find "freewill" in Scripture, though from Geneis to Revelation, you find that mankind is "responsible." How can man be responsible for his actions and God be sovereign? Or how can God be absolutely sovereign and man be responsible for his actions? I DON'T KNOW, but that is what the Bible shows to be true. 

    You have been taught that Calvinism is “bad” but you have been taught wrong! I suggest you purchase Pink’s Sovereignty of God, and Boettner’s The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination. And if you can get your hands on it, Lewis Sperry Chafer’s Systematic Theology, volumes I and III. Again, I do not hold to Limited Atonement because as a Greek teacher, this view cannot be sustained grammatically and textually. It is the weakest view proposed by hard core Calvinists. Nevertheless, all the Reformers held the views I believe are biblically sustainable. America was founded basically on Calvinistic theology. 

We owe a great debt of gratitude to our understanding of systematic Bible study to John Calvin, yet I do not hold to a view simply because Calvin, or any Bible teacher, taught such. I must be able to explain the Bible textually and verse by verse. And that is what Scofield Ministries is all about—the propagation of biblical truth and sound biblical exegesis. 

   Thanks for asking,

   Dr. Mal Couch