Friday, March 23, 2007

What Are The "Seven Spirits" of Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6?

Dr. Couch, what are the "seven spirits" of Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6? 
    Answer: This was an abbreviated way of saying the seven aspects of the Holy Spirit as mentioned and prophesied in Isaiah 11:2. "The (1) Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him [the Messiah], the (2) Spirit [related to wisdom] and the (3) Spirit [related to understanding], and the (4) Spirit [related to council] and the (5) Spirit [related to strength], and the (6) Spirit [related to knowledge], and the (7) Spirit [related to the fear of the Lord]. 

    Unger writes about this in his OT commentary: "The Holy Spirit in all His sevenfold fullness and blessing (Matt. 3:16; Rev. 1:4), because seven is the number of fullness and perfection, would rest upon [the Messiah] permanently, not merely come upon Him for temporary ministry." 

   I hope this helps, and, thanks for asking.

   Dr. Mal Couch