Dr. Couch, I have noticed in the past you mentioned that "big" (buh-ig)
seminary in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. They clearly have taken a swipe
at support for Israel, and, they have moved into an aberrant view of
dispensationalism. on their website is posted the article where they
seem to be turning against the nation of Israel. What do the
"younger-smarter" faculty there think of the great blessed giants of the
past who taught so faithfully Bible prophecy?
Thank you for your question.
We know for certain that most, but not all, of the faculty have turned
against their heritage. Many of them have graduated from the "big"
liberally accredited seminaries abroad, or some of the more infamous
ones here in the states. (One of those accrediting agencies support
"lesbian women in theology".) Many of the young faculty worship
"academia" as a philosophy. (The more obscure you can teach the better!)
I was told just recently from the president of one of the few "GOOD"
seminaries left, about a discussion he had with one of the teachers at
that "big" school. When asked about the aberrant view of
dispensationalism he held, the man could not give a clear answer about
what he believed. He simply went brain dead, sputtered, and hung his
head. And that was shared with me from a president of another
institution. We are in trouble, but few know it!
I hope this helps, and, thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch