Dr. Couch, what do you think is the greatest evidence for the inerrancy of the Bible?
That is easy! What the Bible says of itself, and the fact that there is
prophecy (The telling of the future) from God Himself in almost every
book. The Bible on the average of every page, says three times something
parallel to: "This is the Word of God!" And fulfilled prophecy is also a
sign of God’s inspiration but also inerrancy in that exactly what He
said came to pass. If the Bible is inspired it is inerrant. God would
not give us a lying message or faulty prophecies. He cannot lie!
Inerrancy means that the original message is without error. Some wrongly
argue, "Well, we don’t have the original Bible." The best of NT
scholars say we have (what was copied and re-copied) about 99% of what
was written by the apostles, and about 97% of what was written by the OT
Remember that inerrancy extends to both the larger message but also to
the parts, to every single word in Scripture. The Lord told Jeremiah to
write "all the words that I have commanded you to speak to them. Do not
omit a word" (Jer. 26:2). He said to Israel, "Listen to the words
(plural) of My servants the prophets" (v. 4). Again: "And I will bring
upon that land all My words (plural) which I have pronounced against it,
all that is WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK, which Jeremiah prophesied against the
nations" (25:13).
Inerrancy is one of my favorite subjects. My Th.M. thesis was on inerrancy!
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch,