Saturday, March 3, 2007

Same Sex 'Romantic Love'?

Dr. Couch, I saw on this website comments about homosexuality and wondered if you consider all things 'same sex' a sin, even same sex romantic love? 
    The Christian authority on all moral and spiritual matters is God’s Word, not the word of man. The Bible is the authoritative Word from the God of creation. It is He who says that homosexual relations are immoral and constitute aberrant behavior. The homosexual community likes to talk about different life styles. Homosexuality is not a different life style. All humans exist pretty much the same. Homosexuality is about a foreign and different sex style that violates even basic biology, much less the commands of God. 

    Sex, man to man or woman to woman, is not romance, and it is God who determines what true romance is, not human beings. It is God who has said, "a man (not a woman) shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife (not a him); and they (male and female) shall become one flesh" (Gen. 2:24-25). "Become one flesh" is more than romance and emotion, it is the union between two who are sexually interactive, not sexually the same. 

    All the men of Sodom, young and old, wanted to have "relations" with the two angels who came to Lot. The city, "this place," was polluted by the immorality of the people. The angels said, "the Lord has sent us to destroy" the city. The entire region was destroyed because it had become so spiritually tainted (Gen. 19). The Mosaic Law too, given by God, is against homosexuality. 

    The authoritative word from the Lord is that He is against the man who plays the feminine role in the homosexual relationship, the one who is "effeminate" (the soft one) and against the homosexual who plays the male part, the one who takes another man to bed (1 Cor. 6:9). The Greek word for homosexual is "arsenokoital" which means "man/bed." No more vivid description could be given! 

    It does not matter what the world, the culture, tells us is okay. It is God who sets the standard. And it is God why says we are all sinners, straights and homosexuals, who need a Savior. Christ died for all of our sins, and we can be liberated by just trusting in His sacrifice at the cross for our evilness. God loves all people, but all must be honest about their sins, and accept the painful death of Christ in place of us, the sinners! 

    Thanks for asking.

    Dr. Mal Couch