Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What About Preterism?

Dr. Couch, I keep hearing about Preterism. How can anyone hold to this absurd doctrine that says “the second coming took place in 70 AD”? 
    I would answer the same way I did about Pentecostal Oneness. Such false doctrine, crazy views, and idiotic ideas, are spawned or exacerbated by Satan. I am not saying that those who hold to such views as Christians are indwelt by him or his demons, but I am saying that they have been spiritually brainwashed and blinded so that they cannot see the plain words of Scripture! 

    To get it all straightened out, you need to get The End Times Controversy by general editors Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice (Harvest House). A bunch of us got together and wrote important chapters in this book on this false, almost heretical view. I wrote what I consider one of the most important chapters, chapter 12, entitled: “The War Over Words.” 

    I believe a lot who hold to Preterism and allegorical amillennialism do so as a reaction against biblical dispensationalism and premillennialism. Remember, dispensationalism is not a system forced on top of the Bible; the Bible is dispensational in its structure! By the way, some of the big guys on radio who hold the Preterist view have either poor theological training or no training at all. They shoot from the hip and “speaketh of that which they know-eth not of”! They are reactionaries who just want to be contrary. I believe too that this crazy, nutty view is a satanic brainwashing that blinds them to the issues of the return of the Lord. 

    Get the book! It will be one of the most important in your library. 

Thanks for asking.

Dr. Mal Couch