Dr. Couch, we visited a new church recently. The material being used for
our youngsters seems to be about children self-esteem rather than about
the Bible, or about Christ. We probably won’t go back. What is
happening to the Sunday school literature?
It is going the way of the world. Not all of it of course but enough to
make us terribly alarmed. This reminds me, I just got a “Christian”
catalog with cups, T-shirts and other stuff. One T- shirt for kids
reads: “I make God smile be just being me!”
Talking about self-centeredness and self-esteem! Where is the
teaching that we are sinners and need the love of God through Christ to
save us? Small children can understand why Jesus died for them—for their
sins! Now we’re telling them they are okay before Him just like they
are! That God loves us is true—through Christ. He makes it possible when
we trust Him (even little kids) that we can become His child and then
He becomes our Heavenly Father! You cannot have the love of God without
the cross of Christ for sinners!
Few Christians are smart enough to see what is happening but you were
and you made the right choice by saying you would not take your kids
back to that church.
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch