Sunday, April 15, 2007

Which is More Difficult and Why—OT Exegesis or NT Exegesis?

Dr. Couch, which is more difficult and why—OT exegesis or NT exegesis? 
    ANSWER: They are both equal. In other words, to do honest exegesis, in either the OT or NT, one must work from the language. Hermeneutics is the science that unlocks any language. There are principles that must be used in order to get the message. Those principles are common to translating and comprehending the Bible, whether OT or NT. 

    Exegesis is the art (and science) of pulling out the meaning of a given text. The word means "to lead out." Since I translate weekly in both languages I do much of this automatically. I force my students to look hard at a passage and discover the keys that give the meaning. Before we were through, they were able to pick up speed in finding the most important points in the verses. 

    When we finished they were able to spot the blatant errors of amillennialism, preterism, and progressive dispensationalism. More than one student said it was the best class they ever had. I suggest several books: Ramm’s Protestant Biblical Interpretation, and my Classical Evangelical Hermeneutics. 

    Thanks for asking.

    Dr. Mal Couch