Dr. Couch, what counsel would you give today about credit card debt that is so prevalent in our society?
ANSWER: Banks are having a field day now, hoping that people will default on
their loans, particularly if they have taken out a mortgage on their
home. The bank knows it will get the house! People, and banks, are
terribly greedy. People are wanting more and more material things
without the ability to pay for them. And banks are playing a numbers
game, wanting to see people default: realizing that so many who go into
debt, and who have to default on credit cards, will loose their homes,
and whatever! Proverbs 22:7:"The rich rules over the poor, and the
borrower is servant to the lender."
We are into madness. What is discouraging is that many Christians today
are spiritually brain dead by the philosophy of the culture! Debt puts a
strain on a marriage, gives a sense of fear to the children, and is
distinctly against the commandments of God. Christians then who max out
credit cards are walking about in "fleshly carnality" (double
definition) and are just downright stupid in the way they handle money.
We are the instant-fulfillment-generation, and this will play a role in
destroying America!
Some also cite Luke 6:34-35 on this issue, but I don’t think this plays
into this issue. In Luke 6 Christ is talking about lending to someone
who may really be in need, but lending with no expectation of getting
the funds returned. Christ goes on and says it is no merit to do so, for
even the sinners can be magnanimous and do the same. Therefore, He
says, "lend, hoping for nothing again" in return (v. 35). But this is an
exception that must be agreed upon before hand, or certainly understood
by the lender, that he may not get back what he has given. This is
another issue altogether!
Thanks for asking.
Dr. Mal Couch