Monday, April 2, 2007

Dual Covenant?

Dr. Couch, do you hold to the “dual covenant” idea promoted by John Hagee, where he states that Israel is now hardened by God and we do not need to witness to the Jewish people? 
    ANSWER:  Of course I do not hold to that position! I appreciate so much of what Hagee often says but on this point he is dead wrong. Read Romans 10:12-21. While the apostle Paul mentions the hardening of the Jewish heart in this section of verses he still refers to the fact that individual Jews should call upon the Lord to be saved (v. 13), and they need to hear the “glad tidings” of the gospel, and believe (vv. 15-16). Hagee is teaching an extreme view though someone told me he said publicly that he had been misunderstood!

    I have done a verse-by-verse exegesis from the Greek on Romans 9-11. Paul in this Romans section would destroy Hagee’s views but also the false teachings about Israel, the church, and replacement theology, promoted by the Covenant guys, the allegorists and the preterists. Be looking forward to my ongoing exegesis and commentary on these chapters. 

    Thanks for asking!

    Dr. Mal Couch