Monday, April 9, 2007

What About Freemasonry?

Dr. Couch, what is your view of Freemasonry? 
    ANSWER: Freemasonry, while claiming not to be a religion, really is of sorts! Though most Masons would deny this it is a fact. They have lodges specific to various religions, i.e., all religions lead to God. Masonry is based on works-salvation. I have read much of their material (which they say is secret, but is not) and find it based on works. Many Masons have used Masonry for their "religion" and for "church." (My father did before he was saved.) They consider themselves pious for belonging to the organization. While the Masons have done many good social works (such as hospitals, etc.), this can be deceiving in that they think this will lead them to God and personal salvation. 

    Some have described Masonry as a fraternity of grown men acting out like little boys, with swords, helmets and secret oaths. I know a lot about Freemasonry because my dad, before he became a Christian, was a Mason. After he received Christ as his Savior, the Masons died in importance in his life. They wanted to have a ceremony at his funeral but I refused, because some of the ritual claims that the dead go to heaven by their works, and because they are Masons. 

    It is difficult today to find books in Christian bookstores that reveal the inner workings and the errors of Masonry. Nobody wants to "offend" so an honest biblical evaluation is hard to come by. 

    Thanks for asking!

    Dr. Mal Couch